Ph.D., Philosophy

I am a philosopher and Assistant Teaching Professor at Northeastern University Oakland. I am also the Politics, Philosophy, and Economics (PPE) Program Coordinator for the Oakland campus.
My work focuses primarily on social and political philosophy as well as continental philosophy, existentialism, ethics, and philosophy of technology. I think and write about the meaning of work and play in our lives, economic democracy, post-capitalist alternatives, prefigurative social change, and meaning-making.
Currently, I am working on a project aimed at understanding a secular conception of the sacred, its function in building solidarity, and its transformational power over prefigurative social change.
My teaching philosophy is informed by Ignatian pedagogical principles, critical pedagogy, transformative learning, and understanding philosophy as a way of life.
You can find my PhilPeople profile here.
You can email me at a.stubbs [at] northeastern [dot] edu